Php5 introduces the concept of exceptions handling. If you ever need to change settings for php5 and end up doing somthing similar to what i just described, youll do like codyro mentioned and create a text file named php5. Running php 4 and php 5 concurrently john coggeshall. However the phpdoc style comments, which starting php 5 are parsed by. A roundup of links on how to run php4 and php5 on the same server. Php5 allows to have static methods and properties in a class while php4 not. Php5 allows to declare a class or method as final while php4 not. If you need to use pdf templates use apache fop xslfo parser. This tutorial shows how to install and configure apache2 with php5 and php4 enabled at the same time. Mar 12, 2008 the i file you found is the one thats used for php4.
Php is a popular generalpurpose scripting language that is especially suited to web. En estos tres anos ha demostrado tener muchas mejoras con respecto a php 4. An attempt has been made to preserve as much documentation related to php 4, as possible. However, we have provided downloadable copies of the manual for anyone who would need it.
Php 4, descanse en paz aproximadamente hace 3 anos fue liberado php 5. A tim converse y joyce park por escribir php5 and mysql bible, cuyos conocimientos me bebi en apenas 3 dias. Mar 24, 2004 a roundup of links on how to run php4 and php5 on the same server. If you ever need to change settings for php5 and end up doing somthing similar to what i just described, youll do like codyro mentioned and create a text file named i, add your settings to that ini instead, and upload it to the same place you see i. Running php 4 and php 5 concurrently john coggeshall explains, using two apache instances, apaches mod. Running apache2 with php5 and php4 at the same time. Os produtos patenteados nesse nicho do mercado sao as active server pages da microsoft, o coldfusion da allaire e as java server pages da sun. Versiones del documento version fecha descripcion autor 1 1012009 primera version enriqueplace 1. Php5 allows to declare a class as abstract while php4 not.
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